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my interests

Computer programming, graphic design & DTP.

Design & Architecture

Simple and elegant solutions to design problems.

I see the terms design and architecture in a broad sense. To me architecture is about knowing how things are built and how to create places, while design is an active creative mental process leading to optimal problem solutions. Design is always user-centered, therefore usability, clarity, ergonomics and user experience are the most important aspects.

Professionally I try to engage myself in ambitious programming projects.
Learn more / see recent work samples / read some of my articles

Link to samples of work

Warsaw School of Economics' survey

In the second half of January 2011, I have created a survey of students and employees of the Warsaw School of Economics regarding the current and envisioned state of its campus. A total of 1368 participants have taken part in it. You can view the results (in Polish), which I have presented on March 30, 2011 during the Public-Private Partnership Conference and also during the INTA Roundtable: Rethinking University Space in September 2011, for which a summary of the survey (PDF in English) was made.

Working with SKNIIN

Since November 2009 I am a member of the Real Estate and Investment Student Interest Group (SKNIIN), which operates at the Warsaw School of Economics. I have built their website and created numerous conference posters — you can see them below, explained in detail or listed in the portfolio.

posters made for SKNIIN

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